Monitoring and measurement software, the search

While at VMworld 2011, I spent a lot of time at the expo (where companies were peddling their wares) looking for 2 items. Storage vendors who do things via NFS. Monitoring and measurement companies to help me consolidate the multiple pieces of software we run today. This post is about #2. I looked at a ton of software while at […]

vCloud Director Cluster got you down?

vCloud Director – the VMware solution to building on-demand infrastructure for the enterprise and cloud computing…works. But there are some trials you must encounter and complete before things work smoothly. TL;DR: I failed at first but found the problem with the issue being firewall services blocking inter-cell communications. This post is about the log entry and how it isn’t very […]

Over Subscription vs Over Capacity – huh?

Recently, a whole slew of tweets showed up across my feed dealing with the perceived and measured issues across multiple public cloud providers infrastructure. One of the posts comes from Chris Hoff (this post in particular) that describes quite clearly what the differences are. Service providers (anyone doing cloud services, virtualization, colocation, bandwidth, whatever) live upon the idea of over subscription. We […]

Example cost: Virtual Private Cloud on VMware

In the last 6 months, I have helped multiple customers achieve their dream of a virtual machine environment built for them exclusively, but with abilities to control their virtual machine setup, configuration, turn up, tear down, etc.  These dedicated infrastructure environments are in the ipHouse data center. This isn’t ‘cloud computing’ as many people think of it (thanks to Amazon […]

VMware vSphere – 1 more day of waiting!

Tomorrow, May 21st, 2009, normal people around the world will get a chance to download VMware’s newest edition of their infrastructure  ‘cloud operating system’ products named vSphere. I am very excited to see what this all entails.  I have read the documents, reviewed the upgrade steps and procedures, have read many a blog entry from those special enough to have early access. […]

ipHouse releases VMware based server services

Virtualization, one of the buzzwords flying around the Internet today, is a method of running separate servers (guests) with separate operating systems on shared physical hardware (the host).  I wrote a quick summary back in February, 2009 that should help give some context. Here at ipHouse, we have chosen to use VMware for our virtualization products.  We chose VMware because […]