Altium Infrastructure Server vs Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Address exception when installing Altium Infrastructure Server onto Windows 10
Address exception when installing Altium Infrastructure Server onto Windows 10
Ansible 2.0 was recently released and came with many updates dealing with the Windows module. What better way to start using it then to create a playbook to do Windows updates and automated reboots!
I wanted to do something new, so I built a small lab Exchange server and learned how to create multiple, distinct organizations. Here are the steps I used.
Been a whirlwind of things happening (and to learn) at the new workplace and I’m still having a great time. Starting to work on some of the internal items I am looking forward to upgrading and refactoring. Starting with DNS and then will begin revisiting some of the other working systems. I’m also enjoying some of the systems that are […]
Back in September, 2009, I had written a post with a quick overview of what a private cloud (or infrastructure) looks like and some basic costs and information, including why it is a great product (I am biased). Since then, Dell has retired the PE2900III model server and items change, this is an update for the basic configuration. Reminder graphic: […]
Oh it is a joke, don’t take it seriously, but look at what you get in Japan – the Windows 7 Whopper. Can’t wait until Apple releases OS XI – but with garden burger patties… Click the link to read all about it and watch the video…
In the last 6 months, I have helped multiple customers achieve their dream of a virtual machine environment built for them exclusively, but with abilities to control their virtual machine setup, configuration, turn up, tear down, etc. These dedicated infrastructure environments are in the ipHouse data center. This isn’t ‘cloud computing’ as many people think of it (thanks to Amazon […]
Virtualization, one of the buzzwords flying around the Internet today, is a method of running separate servers (guests) with separate operating systems on shared physical hardware (the host). I wrote a quick summary back in February, 2009 that should help give some context. Here at ipHouse, we have chosen to use VMware for our virtualization products. We chose VMware because […]
Oooh, the virtualization wars are reaching a new level, and with this new video from Microsoft we have reached a new level of marketing misdirection with some future capabilities included. The video focuses on 10 items that VMware says they have over Hyper-V…that are being refuted by the marketing and tech guy in the video. Right away the viewer is […]