VMware releases HCL for ESXi 4.0

Whew!  And about perfect timing for me. I was helping a friend understand that he could not operate ESXi 4.0 on his old server because of the requirement for a 64bit CPU environment. Today, VMware released this blog post touting the updates and a link to their actual hardware compatibility list, which covers vSphere 4.0 ESX and ESXi, and I bet it […]

VMware vSphere – 1 more day of waiting!

Tomorrow, May 21st, 2009, normal people around the world will get a chance to download VMware’s newest edition of their infrastructure  ‘cloud operating system’ products named vSphere. I am very excited to see what this all entails.  I have read the documents, reviewed the upgrade steps and procedures, have read many a blog entry from those special enough to have early access. […]

ipHouse releases VMware based server services

Virtualization, one of the buzzwords flying around the Internet today, is a method of running separate servers (guests) with separate operating systems on shared physical hardware (the host).  I wrote a quick summary back in February, 2009 that should help give some context. Here at ipHouse, we have chosen to use VMware for our virtualization products.  We chose VMware because […]

Virtualization War II (VWII)

Oooh, the virtualization wars are reaching a new level, and with this new video from Microsoft we have reached a new level of marketing misdirection with some future capabilities included. The video focuses on 10 items that VMware says they have over Hyper-V…that are being refuted by the marketing and tech guy in the video. Right away the viewer is […]

Virtualization and you – the business user

Why virtualize?  Better yet, why use virtualized server services for your business? I’ll try to answer that question in this blog post, though from a service provider point of view, but I’ll try to remove my bias where feasible. Summary:  For many business needs, a virtualized server on a hosting providers infrastucture is very cost effective, very secure, and highly […]

Prepping for VMware virtualization for customers

I chose Dell as my hardware platform, VMware for my host hypervisor, and I am starting with a 2 system ‘cluster’.  (I use the word ‘cluster’ not because they are clustered in a way that most people think of things, but in that they will share SAN LUNs for their storage allowing migration from one server to another.) Last week […]

New blog site is online

and will no longer need to move. This will be accessible to both blogs.iphouse.net/mike and blogs.iphouse.com/mike and will need a little massaging for the others that will be using the main blog URL. Whew!  Soon, I can add a few more things and get this to be more personal and less ‘wordpress’ default. I also have a ton of things […]