Epic mounts are faster!

Yes, it is true, epic mounts in World of Warcraft are faster than the original mount you are eligible for at level 40.

I did not think that the extra 40% increase would really make a difference in how things feel as you are in the world of walkcraft.  Well, it is noticeable.  Quite a bit actually.

For now, I have a Swift Orange Raptor (I think that is the name) as I still need 15 more honor marks from Alterac Valley to get my battlegroup epic mount (I already have the 30 marks from Arathi Basin and 30 marks from Warsong Gultch).

I do wish the normal epic mounts looked cooler, but if they did, then no one would do the PVP to get the BG epic, and I want the BG epic…I really do.  Probably a wolf or something fun like that.