Suricata + Sumo Logic Basic Port Analysis

Previously, I had written a post on installing Suricata on Ubuntu and FreeBSD systems.

Now that I have collected data for a while I wanted to visualize what is happening within my hosts so I built some dashboards. This first one has allowed/denied ports and an overview of DNS queries by number->server and by type.

This dashboard is showing the output of 4 servers that I have Suricata running on and all are Internet facing. Two of them are behind a Fortigate firewall which is doing IDS/IPS already, 1 of them is behind GCP firewall, and the last one only has basic protections via iptables.


One of the things I did not do with this example is build a lookup table in Sumo Logic to simplify the search query. This would make the search query a lot smaller and, more than likely, faster. The linked text files will have the full query but for the examples in this post I will be replacing much of the query with ‘…’ to add brevity.

As I have done in the past, I have created a partition index specific to the data I am ingesting. I use this index as the base of my search query. (warning: too many partitions may slow down your queries and/or increase your data consumption within your account.)

As port numbers are simple integers I had to use the concat function to change the port/protocol to something that could be matched explicitly. I prepended a space so that 22/TCP and 4122/TCP didn’t turn into SSH and 41SSH/TCP.

concat (" ", port, "/", protocol) as proto

Suricata logs in JSON format so these queries use the JSON parser within Sumo Logic.

        "signature":"ET COMPROMISED Known Compromised or Hostile Host Traffic group 7",
        "category":"Misc Attack",

Top 10 denied TCP ports: download query

_index=suricata_logs AND "\"event_type\":\"alert\"" AND "\"action\":\"blocked\""
  | parse "*" as jsonobject nodrop
  | json field=jsonobject "src_ip","dest_ip","dest_port","proto" as source, destination, port, protocol
  | where protocol = "TCP"
  | concat (" ", port, "/", protocol) as proto
  | replace (proto, " 110/TCP", "POP3") as proto
  | replace (proto, " 995/TCP", "IMAPS") as proto
  | replace (proto, " ", "") as proto
  | count as hits proto //source, destination, proto
  | order by hits
  | limit 10

Top 10 allowed TCP ports: download query

_index=suricata_logs AND "\"event_type\":\"alert\"" AND "\"action\":\"allowed\""
  | parse "*" as jsonobject nodrop
  | json field=jsonobject "src_ip","dest_ip","dest_port","proto" as source, destination, port, protocol
  | where protocol = "TCP"
  | concat (" ", port, "/", protocol) as proto
  | replace (proto, " 110/TCP", "POP3") as proto
  | replace (proto, " 995/TCP", "IMAPS") as proto
  | replace (proto, " ", "") as proto
  | count as hits proto //source, destination, proto
  | order by hits
  | limit 10

Top 10 denied UDP ports: download query

_index=suricata_logs AND "\"event_type\":\"alert\"" AND "\"action\":\"blocked\""
  | parse "*" as jsonobject nodrop
  | json field=jsonobject "src_ip","dest_ip","dest_port","proto" as source, destination, port, protocol
  | where protocol = "UDP"
  | concat (" ", port, "/", protocol) as proto
  | replace (proto, " 110/TCP", "POP3") as proto
  | replace (proto, " 995/TCP", "IMAPS") as proto
  | replace (proto, " ", "") as proto
  | count as hits proto //source, destination, proto
  | order by hits
  | limit 10

Top 10 allowed UDP ports: download query

_index=suricata_logs AND "\"event_type\":\"alert\"" AND "\"action\":\"allowed\""
  | parse "*" as jsonobject nodrop
  | json field=jsonobject "src_ip","dest_ip","dest_port","proto" as source, destination, port, protocol
  | where protocol = "UDP"
  | concat (" ", port, "/", protocol) as proto
  | replace (proto, " 110/TCP", "POP3") as proto
  | replace (proto, " 995/TCP", "IMAPS") as proto
  | replace (proto, " ", "") as proto
  | count as hits proto //source, destination, proto
  | order by hits
  | limit 10

The JSON for the DNS logging is slightly different. There is a ‘dns’ JSON tag with further breakdown that requires extraction.




Top 10 DNS servers (no download needed):

_index=suricata_logs "\"event_type\":\"dns\""
  | parse "*" as jsonobject nodrop
  | json field=jsonobject "src_ip", "dns.type" as dns_server, dns_type
  | where dns_type = "answer"
  | count as hits dns_server
  | order by hits
  | limit 10 

For this next one I am extracting some extra data that I did not use in the dashboard panel. I did this so that I can come back later and use the same basic query and create another panel to look at the top records retrieved from my name-servers. Go ahead and see what you can do!

Top 10 DNS types (no download needed):

_index=suricata_logs "\"event_type\":\"dns\""
  | parse "*" as jsonobject nodrop
  | json field=jsonobject "src_ip", "dns.rrname", "dns.rcode", "dns.rrtype" as src_ip, dns_rrname, dns_rcode, dns_rrtype
  | count as rtype dns_rrtype
  | order by rtype
  | limit 10